Food sustainability is one of the pillars of the Cork Tree Residences’ philosophy. For us, it is of the utmost importance that we provide the best quality of food possible, each day to our clients. It is our firm belief that quality and longevity of life can be directly linked to the food we eat.
Guaranteed quality
and freshness
As such, we embrace a ‘farm-to-fork’ ethos. To ensure this, we intend to guarantee the quality and freshness of our daily produce, grown organically either in our 650 sqm greenhouse or outside in our permaculture nursery. Any surplus produce will be given to clients, employees, social nursing homes in the area and the students who will be working with us.
The Cork Tree Residences is establishing a partnership with the professional agriculture secondary school in Grândola. Their A-Levels students will work in our greenhouse in order for them to develop organic food production projects. In exchange, we will provide two means-tested scholarships per year to study agriculture-related subjects at university.
Our own
farm animals
The meat we serve will come from our own free-range farm animals: Chickens, turkeys, ducks, rabbits, sheep, goats and pigs. Salt-water fish will be purchased at source from local fishermen 15km away. It is truly important for us to provide our clients with the best quality of food that we can obtain. Better food means better health.
Our beehives will help with pollination as well as enabling us to produce organic honey at source for our clients all year around.
Gorgeous restaurant
At our gorgeous restaurant, The Cork Tree Residences will provide you with daily seated service aided by professional waiters so you can relax and enjoy your meals, knowing they have been prepared with the utmost care by our first class chef and his team. Our resident pastry chef will bake daily so that you can have fresh warm bread for breakfast and some seriously delicious deserts and cakes for high-tea.
Avenida do Atlântico Nº 16, 2º Andar - Escritório 11, 1990 - 019 Lisboa - Portugal
(+351) 216 042 262, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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